Mom's Night Out

OK, so I always take forever to post once the first week of having my blog up is finished. I am terribly unorganized, messy, and absolutely hate to clean! I love to plan to do things but for some reason they never seem to get off the ground. Today my girls and I had a movie date at home with McDonald's and Dairy Queen. It was delicious and I am not sorry. After we watched our movie together they had a movie they wanted to watch so I went upstairs to watch a movie of my the my daughter's bedroom. We do not have a tv in our room but she does. She also has the only bluray player. Her tv is only connected to her bluray player so she has no regular tv, satellite, or cable hooked up to it. Anyway, so I popped in "Mom's Night Out" and set back to enjoy the show. It was perfect. I love that movie. If you are a mom and don't love that movie, there is something seriously wrong with you! PERIOD! We all, as mothers, have had those times that we want to hide in our closets......even when the kids are awake and only three years old. Or wanted to seriously punch our child in the face when they were a teenager. Or even, one of my personal favorites, wanted to leave them at a store because you sent them in to get something for you because there was NO WAY the world was going to see you in that condition but unfortunately you got into an argument on the way to the store and now they hate your guts. We have all been there. ADMIT IT! It drove you nuts that you felt that way because ten minutes later you are standing in the kitchen, with said child, and laughing and having a great time. Sometimes ladies, and gentlemen, parenting can really and truly pull a vacuum. Oh, I'm sorry, you don't know what that means? SUCKS! Ok, it means sometimes being a parent SUCKS. But we remember that we are the ones that have been given these particular children. That means that we are the best parents for those children. Sometimes ladies, and gentlemen, parenting can really and truly be the most amazing thing we will ever do on this planet. We cannot guarantee that they will do everything we ask or always respond in the most appropriate manner for the rest of their lives. What we can do is try our best and hope that they learned something GOOD. After that, we worry. We will worry and wonder if we did enough. "If we had done that differently, would they not have done that? If we had done this differently, would they have stayed out of this trouble?"The problem is, the worry doesn't go away. There are always new things they are doing in their lives that make us wonder if we did do enough or not. When they are first born, we worry about whether or not we will be good parents. When they start crawling we worry that they will get away from us and get hurt. When they start walking we worry they will run off in a store and we will not be able to find them. When they start school, first over nighter at a friends house, first time they start driving on their own, when they get married, when they have their first child, etc. I placed my children in God's hands long ago. I hit a point in my life when I thought that I wasn't enough. I think we all do, at some point. Your chest starts to hurt so bad because the worry, fear, and doubt set in and we just know we would feel better if we ran to the middle of a field somewhere and screamed for hours on end to relieve the pressure in our chest. The one thing I know for certain (even with evil telling me it isn't so every second of every day) is that the Lord God of Heaven and Earth loves my children way more than I ever could. They are not mine. They belong to Him. Whatever happens to them is His will. Nothing happens that He does not have complete control. If you believe that and honor that and teach your kids what they need to know to be His children and not your own it is easier to deal with the day to day crazy crap when it hits the proverbial fan. If you remember that none of us is perfect, we will all make LOTS of mistakes, and we are nothing without our Guide, life will be easier. Don't be afraid to make mistakes......just do the best you can with the handbook (BIBLE) He has given us and let Him do the rest.

Praying for my girls,

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Crazy Weather

Can you believe this? Yesterday we were running around in shorts with the windows open and the heat shut off.! At least it is at an end now. I am so looking forward to warmer weather.

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Blogging From My Phone

I am trying out using an app to blog so this is just a "try and make sure it works" post.
It works, Becky. -_-

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Blogging for Fun and Cake Mix Cookies

Hi. My name is Becky and this is my sister, Rachel (Hi!). We will be your hosts for our new blog and we are very excited you decided to come visit. We will be blogging about anything from ourselves and our every day lives, to the food we eat, to our hobbies, and whatever else we can think of to blog about. Come and join us on our adventure!

We started a blog a while back and nothing ever came of it. We have been very disappointed in ourselves and decided a new blog with a new design would inspire us enough to keep going on a regular basis.........we hope, anyway. 

So, without further ado, lets get started!
I am loving Cake Mix Cookies right now so let's start off with that recipe. I am not sure what site I found this recipe on but it is all over the internet and they are all pretty much the same.

Cake Mix Cookies

1 Cake Mix (any flavor)
2 eggs
1/2 c. veggie oil

Preheat oven to 350*.
Mix all the ingredients until well combined.
Drop by spoonful (I use a 1 TBSP. cookie scoop) onto
a cookie sheet and Bake for 8 - 12 minutes.
Transfer to a cookie rack and cool completely.

*Add-ins are optional but these cookies are extremely versatile
so feel free to add almost anything you want to them....within bounds of reason.
And add your add-ins once the ingredients are well combined but before you scoop
them onto a cookie sheet :)

Note from Rachel: Ooh, someone should try Dark Chocolate Fudge cake mix with wh1te, milk, and dark chocolate chips. DO IT

These are one of my husbands favorite cookies and I don't really make them all that often
so when I do it is a real treat!


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